Poor Abandon Mother Monkey just born twin baby monkeys

It’s indeed sad to hear about the abandoned mother monkey with her twins. In the wild, mother monkeys are usually supported by their group, but if they’re alone, it can be challenging. They have strong maternal instincts and will do their best to care for their babies. Is there a specific aspect of this situation you’re concerned about or would like to know more about?

If the mother monkey is in a location where wildlife rescue organizations operate, contacting them would be the best course of action. They have the expertise and resources to provide the necessary care. If such organizations are not available, a local veterinarian or animal shelter might offer guidance or assistance. It’s crucial not to intervene directly without professional advice, as monkeys can be unpredictable and may require specialized care. Would you like information on how to contact a wildlife rescue organization in your area?

Here are some wildlife rescue organizations in Siem Reap, Cambodia:

  • Kulen Elephant Forest
    • Address: Street 26 Opposite Angkor Village Hotel, Siem Reap Province, 17254
    • Phone: 085 577 177
    • Website
  • LEAF Cambodia Mondulkiri Elephant & Wildlife Sanctuary
    • Address: # 76 Road, Sen Monorom, Mondol Kiri, 11202
    • Phone: 097 659 1101
    • Website
  • Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Center (operated by Wildlife Alliance)

These organizations may be able to assist or guide you on how to help the abandoned mother monkey and her twins. It’s best to contact them directly for advice.

Baby monkeys require a lot of care, similar to human infants. They need:

  • Proper nutrition: Breast milk from the mother or a special formula if hand-reared.
  • Warmth: A warm environment or a heat source to maintain body temperature.
  • Safety: Protection from predators and a secure environment.
  • Socialization: Interaction with other monkeys to learn social skills and behaviors.
  • Healthcare: Regular check-ups with a veterinarian experienced with primates.

It’s important for baby monkeys to stay with their mother or a surrogate for proper development. If you’re considering helping baby monkeys, it’s best to consult with professionals who specialize in primate care.


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